
Where Productivity and Wellness Collide

Ever feel like the conventional productivity hacks are just… meh? If you’re nodding along, you’re in the right place. Luckily, there are some great ideas that happen to be not-so-conventional for staying productive, energized, and balanced (well, at least trying to). 

Step by Step: Why I’m a Walking Mat Evangelist

Let’s talk about my favorite office buddy: my walking mat. Now, I know what you’re thinking – “A walking mat? How often could you realllllyyyy use that?!” But hear me out. This isn’t about burning calories or getting those #gains. It’s about energy and focus.

I crank this bad boy up to a leisurely 1.6 mph, and boom – instant focus. There’s something about the gentle, consistent movement that helps my brain shift into deep work mode. I often end up walking for over an hour without even realizing it. Wanna talk about a dopamine hit? Try hitting 10k steps by 2pm. 

(And yes, I’m at mile 1.3 as I write this.)

Afternoon Ritual (It’s Not Coffee)

Ah, my afternoon savior – Dandy Blend. For those in the dark, Dandy Blend is this dandy (pun intended) herbal beverage that gives me all the coffee feels without the caffeine. I’m talking no jitters, no caffeine cut-off, just pure, cozy vibes.

Now, I’ve had coffee enthusiasts (or should I say snobs?) turn up their noses at it. But add a splash (or a tidal wave) of creamer and a few drops of turkey tail and lion’s mane tinctures, and voilà! You’ve got yourself a wellness latte that hits the reset button at 3 PM. And yes, I buy it by the pound – no shame in my Dandy game.

Planner Paradise: Scrapbooking My Way Through the Week

Last but not least, let’s get crafty. My planner isn’t just a planner; it’s a scrapbook and outlet for creativity. Every week, I sit down and make its pages nice and pretty with stickers (did I mention I’m like, really into stickers?). It transforms my planner into something I’m excited to open every day.

This isn’t just about organization; it’s about making the mundane magnificent. With my preferred pens and highlighters in tow, planning becomes a mini-celebration of what’s to come. It’s a small way to infuse joy into every workday, keeping me organized and motivated.

Wrapping It Up with a Bow (and Probably a Sticker)

So there you have it, folks – my trifecta for staying productive, balanced, and, let’s be honest, pretty darn happy. It’s about finding what works for you, whether that’s a walking mat, a unique afternoon drink, or turning your planner into a sticker wonderland. Get weird about it.

Productivity isn’t one-size-fits-all. It’s about creating an environment that fuels your energy, creativity, and well-being. So, find your quirky combo, and make each day a little more You Good Co. style.

Smell ya later,

Beth at You Good Co.

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